Friday, January 6, 2012


I just bought a $5 album. What is wrong with me?! I honestly don't know what overcame me. It was almost like I was in a fog. Most of the day I have been pumped about grocery shopping, which I am doing tonight so I have food for next week. I had a little free time and bam- Amazon one click gets me again. I know better than to go on Amazon.... part of me wanted to look for free music, but then bam on the front page that $5 album that I've been wanting to hear. Part of me is thought at the time "so what it is just $5" another part of me is thinking now "yea $5 you weren't suppose to spend."

I feel bad about this purchase and realize that part of it was me just acting out. I've been wanting some sort of present for being so good, for working so hard.... In my head I've been trying to find all sorts of ways to sneak around this spending fast. I don't even know why... it is crazy to see what fear can do to you. My anxiety raises a lot of fear in me and my bandage for that is shopping.

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